Saturday, March 6, 2010

Become Wealthy in Network Marketing

Network marketing is a fast growing trend among people nowadays. Once we understand the tactics of the business, its easy to become wealthy in network marketing. To understand that, we first have to know what is network marketing.

Network marketing is also known as multi level marketing, direct selling, referral marketing, or pyramidal selling. It is the marketing strategy used by some companies. The products and company are usually marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing.

The company is represented by nonsalaried sales persons also called distributors or franchise owner. They receive commission based on the volume of the company's product they sell through their own effort and also a downline organization, if they manage to build one.

The downline organization usually comprises of independent distributors. The main success of the business depends on building many levels of different groups of independent distributors one below another. At a certain point of time when the structure of the downline organization expands, the distributor at the top line will receive royalties from the company for the product sold by the distributors at the bottom line.

Network marketing tests a person's marketing and interactive skill at a personal level. One has to have lot of skill to convince people to sell the product and also to make them join the organization. Not only that, one should also have the ability to guide and make the downline distributors to work with the same vigor to make the organization work and to reap substantial results.

For those who enjoy working and interacting with people, who are always open to new ideas, who have strong desire to start and succeed in their own business, and those who are willing to put in few initial years of hard work, network marketing is the right choice. All it takes is to make the right choice, find a good company with quality products and a successful upline team which is ready to work with you and guide you.

To succeed in MLM, make the right choice, stay focused and work hard. With success comes money!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

When You Should Place Ads on Your Blog?

Putting advertisements in your website is one of the most common blog monetization techniques. Advertisements that are relevant to site content prompt the reader to take action in order to find out more about what you are promoting. Each click through blog advertisement brings revenue. At times, just a visit to the page where the ad is placed gives revenue.

Every site owner wants to get the maximum returns from blog ads. How is this possible? What determines the revenue... ad popularity or site traffic. If you want to earn serious blog money through your ads, you must not just put popular ads, you also need to have the kind of traffic that it takes to generate the money you expect from your website.

Now the question is timing. When should you really put ads on your blog? Do you put ads right from the beginning or do you put ads when you get a certain level of traffic. Just how much of traffic must you gain before you begin to put your ads? This is something that every site owner or blogger must consider because the level of traffic determines the possibilities of people clicking at the ads posted in the website.

Let's first take a look at what happens when you put ads in your blog or website, right from the beginning. If you choose to put ads just as you launch your website, you would be getting hardly any earning through the ads. Maybe a dollar a day and this can be an amount at the end of the year.

However, if you put in the blog ads at a later time, when your blog is receiving significant traffic and even comments from visitors, your ads will be clicked more often and this means higher revenue. It's basically the kind of strategy that you seek to adopt. There are ads that you can put that earn you money, even if a visitor does not click them. This means just site traffic will gain you money from them.

The ideal situation would be to put in ads when your site traffic is growing. Put something small, at first, then wait to see the kind of money that you make from it and as your site traffic enhances, you can put in some more. People visiting your site will get used to the ads and when they find it relevant to what they are looking, they are most likely to click it. Compelling content is the key to get the right level of traffic and this in turn reflects on the kind of blog money that you can gain from your ads.

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Super Leads Generation Through Effective Blogging

You will find that many companies are able to earn more money from all kinds of business by grabbing potential buyers for their businesses. Blogging on the web is a great way to start up with online marketing.

Blogging is a great option as it helps to drive in lots of traffic thus promoting the company and its products. It is found that you can increase the users visiting your website to almost double through blog promotions. Important advantage of marketing through blogs is that you could excel your opponents and that to very easily. This is because there are only few companies from any niche which have the blogs of their own. People are very much attracted to visit blogs instead of websites and this is the key factor that leads to make lots of money. One thing which is very essential in blogging is that it is very difficult to make a copy of any blog. Also, they have higher page ranks on leading search engines which will be a plus point for blog administrators. Google is also very famous search spider for ranking blogs on its database which will help in attaining quicker results for the same.

Blogs are very famous among the online users as they usually carry a lot of data either in form of text or pictures. It is also possible to use the followers option while blogging which would attract prospective customers to visit your blogs. As visitors get regular updates about everything in form of blog posts, they are usually loyal members of such sites.

Thus you will get great opportunities to market you goods and services to the users sitting online.

With a communicative blog, you will be able to understand the needs and desires of the users related to your offerings. After knowing this you will be able to market your offerings according to their needs. In order to carry out product marketing, you must be aware about what to sell and whom to sell. Sell such products and services which will be useful as well as beneficial for the users.

This can be done effectively with blogs as you will understand their expectations here. Customer loyalty and brand image can be generated with the use of blogging as through them, you can easily reach out to many prospects.

Having the good brand royalty will enable you to attain more customers also you can generate higher number of prospective customers. For you blog marketing can be the best tool as it can help in promotion for free and at the same time serves you with good leads. Keep in mind that developing the blog is also essential part of promotions. It is very crucial that blogs comprises of great content regular updates and best design as this all things will help to earn for you that is you will be able to have a good blog site, high rank in search engine and also huge traffic and leads.

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Blogs as a Marketing Tool

When blogs came into the scene, no one really knew it’s strong potential to market products, businesses and services. The blog was created to be an online journal and nothing more, but there were some people who used blogs to work for them and let others know about the prblogoducts and services that they offered, and this is how blog started to become a marketing tool. Nowadays there’s no business, online or offline that at some point use blogs to help promote their site or their products.

Since a lot of people use or read blogs today, it’s impossible for them not to notice these promotional blogs popping up everywhere. However, to make a blog as successful marketing tool, the writer of the blog should know how to market the blog well. The first and most important thing that he should keep in mind is to stay focused on the product that the blog is trying to market.

A lot of people though still ask if blogs make good marketing tools, and again it really depends on how the blog was created. The writer should bare in mind the important keywords he has to used within the blog to make it rank high in search engines. An SEO specialist can also help the blog rank high in search engines.

If used correctly, the blog can be a very powerful tool. Just think about

how many people are online in one day, that’s actually a lot. Now think of them searching for something on the internet like gadgets or food and your blog just happens to talk about those topics. If your blog was done correctly, chances are you’re going to have a lot of visitors in one day and since it’s promoting whatever it is you’re offering, then you’ve just tapped a huge source of income
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI)?

KEI is the vital term when calculating the value of keyword phrases to target for your blogs, websites. It is simply an indicator of how popular a search phrase and how competitive the market for this search phrase. The formula simply stated as (Number of monthly searches) squared divided by (Competing Pages). It is a simple mathematical equation, but tells a lot about the keyword competition for SEO experts, online marketers and surely for bloggers. Let's investigate the KEI formula further now.

How we determine the popularity of a keyword?

Simply, we look at the monthly searches in a specific search engine. You can use Google Adwords keyword tool to determine this value. Many novice keyword researchers think that the most popular keyword is the best choice to target. Actually, it is wrong. The more search means more competition.

So, what is the competition in terms of search engines?

Competition is determined by competing pages for a keyword phrase in search engines. If a general keyword (such as "car loans") is searched several hundred thousands times a month at a search engine, it will naturally have several millions pages competing to show at the first page results of the search engines.

Our aim should be finding moderately searched with small-to-moderate competition. I will give a concrete example. Let's say keyword phrase A is searched for 100 times a month and 10 competing pages. Another keyword phrase B is 1000 times a month and 100 competing pages. If we didn't square these terms and simply divide; they would give the same results for KEI!

Notice that according to our KEI formula (squared) B is much more logical to target. Why? Because 100 times/month is a small number that actually it will not bring much income unless it is a highly priced keyword.

While calculation KEI, it is wise to look for keyword phrases which are at least 1000 times/month are searched for serious SEO investment.