Wednesday, January 27, 2010

MLM Prospecting and MLM Network Marketing

Succeed in MLM Prospecting and Internet Network Marketing by Learning SEO.

Master SEO.

Mastering SEO (Search Engine Optimization): According to, Google is the #1 ranking most visited website in the world. How many millions of people must visit Google every single day to be the top ranking site on the internet? Wouldn't you like to take advantage of some of those millions of people that are searching Google based upon specific keywords. Imagine being #1 on page 1. Wouldn't you love that type of free advertising, marketing, and exposure. It is possible. And it's possible to do it for free. And I will explain how. Ready? Rank for specific key words using Google's keyword search tool, do a Google search for it. Make sure that your keyword phrase results in less than 300,000 total results and you can find that out by going to Google and doing a search for any phrase or keyword, like network marketing. The less number of results the better your chances of getting to the #1 spot and increasing the chance of gaining more leads to your site. Again, use the keyword search tool on Google to help you choose the best keywords that have the least amount of results per search that you want to compete for, for position one. Also, check how many people do a search for that link every month, locally and globally, with the same tool. Using the keyword search tool in Google, it shows you how many local/national average clicks per month that keyword term has and how many global/international average clicks per month that keyword term has.

Obviously you want to choose 4000 or more total clicks per month versus only 200 total clicks per month. Your exposure is 4000 people instead of 200 every single month. But you have to stay as close to 300,000 total results as possible, that's the trick. And to rank your articles and blogs and videos higher if you have any hyperlinks in them, which I recommend to get more higher rankings, let that keyword be your clickable link in your articles and blog entries. For example, click here to learn more about (link) Internet Network Marketing (end link). This keyword has 864,000 results. A more likely chance to get to the top of Google then the keywords, Master Network Marketing, which has 13,500,000 results. Links are anchor text tags which are highlighted in blue that people click on to go to your next content product whether it be a video, an article, a blog entry, your capture page, etc. Further, make sure to link all your content that is on the same topic together. First create it.

Then have your article link to your blog that links to your video and capture page. That way each time a lead clicks on each link, Google recognizes that people are clicking on these links and all of your content gets rated higher. Currently and in general Google tends to rank videos higher than any other content such as articles or blog entries. That's because is #4 on You have to be careful though because YouTube, Squidoo, and other services can ban your account. Let's put it this way, only your blog on or is your home. There you can post links to wherever you want, including your capture page. Your capture page is the most important page because that is where your leads sign up. In my next article I'm going to write about pagerank and backlinks to rank #1 on Google as well as saturating your article with your keywords as much as possible without making those articles read funny or weird for maximum exposure and #1 Google rankings.

MLM Prospecting and Internet Network Marketing are another way of building a business and marketing it to others. It's generally a new concept on making money. It usually revolves in yourself joining a Network Marketing Company under someone else's name who is called your marketer/sponsor or other title such as associate. Depending on the company you choose, these names can be different. If you choose to enroll that will be your title as well.

In the Grand Pyramid of Network Marketing, your upline in a network marketing company are people who you have enrolled under, with your particular sponsor being your leading sponsor. He or she is the person who has enrolled you and is making money off you periodically, or depending on the company already has but just once. Your downline are people that enroll under you. The people in your primary count are people that you personally enroll, and further down the pyramid are people that your enrollees enroll who are also part of your downline.

Whether you choose to become involved in this revolutionary and explosive new industry is really up to you. A lot of companies exist that offer products and services from a wide range of products such as skin care products, vitamins, super juices, herbs, legal advice, continuing education and learning, etc. Each company has you enroll and take advantage of the product or service that company is marketing. Additionally you can become a marketer in the industry for that company, whether or not it's just one or more, basically, promoting that product or service and getting paid a commission for your marketing efforts and enrolling others into your personal downline.

Millions of people are already involved in this type of industry and although not everyone does, a lot of them who are successful are earning 4-5-6 figure monthly residual income. Meaning you can be more successful in this business, financially, than virtually any other. And once you've built up your downline, you generally still continue to earn a monthly residual income even if you do no additional work.

The MLM Prospecting and Internet Network Marketing business is all based on your efforts in learning and then enrolling others into your downline. In order to not get stuck or run out of leads you have to really partner up with an incredible upline that will help you and train you to succeed just like they did.

So, a little bit on how to market effectively so you don't run out of leads.

I found a lot of conflicting views and approaches on how to become successful. So what you have to do is basically find the right thing that works for you.

Because of this I'm not going to tell you what to do. Instead I will tell you what I did to become successful so quickly and leave your organization in your hands, where it belongs, with you.

Partly this article is about how I became successful in the Network Marketing Industry. However, if you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, corporation, or any type of business person really, you can still gain a lot of information in this article if you plan on advertising your business on the internet, gaining millions of people's attention, and increasing your profits dramatically. My goal for writing this article is to be a coach and a trainer strictly to make others successful.

If you want to mastermind with me, read more information about MLM Prospecting and Internet Network Marketing and learn from a team of experts about getting into the business and becoming successful and also building a residual income by learning the secrets of the trade (which is basically, how to enroll others) for you and your family with generally not as much work as a full time job but more of a home based business type. Read my Blog about MLM Network Marketing as well. There are parts 1 and 2. It's full of insights whether or not you are already in Network Marketing and will show you the keys to making a 4-5 figure monthly income within 6-8 months. I look forward to connecting with you soon. To your success!

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