Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Top Home Based Businesses - The Best 5 Ways to Earn Money Without Leaving the House

Anyone can start a home based business just by becoming self-employed and using your home as the 'depot' for your business. But what if you can't or don't' want to leave the house?

If you're looking for a low start up, cost effective method of working direct from your own home, then your computer may be the answer. Add a telephone and internet connection and the opportunities become endless.

Data Entry and Surveys - These methods have been around for some time. Survey companies will pay you for your opinion, and for every survey you complete. Data entry jobs work similarly. You usually get paid for each entry you make rather than an hourly rate, so you have the convenience of being able to work when it suits you. It is boring work, but both are tried, tested and steady ways of earning an income, working online.
Word Processing - You can get this work from agencies that specialize in virtual administration. This involves writing resumes and CV's, preparing legal documents and formatting medical coding. You can make up to $35 an hour but you must have the right equipment. Each agency has its own preference, but generally the software and hardware is fairly generic.
Answering Service - Many business owners are outsourcing this service to cut down on overheads and staffing levels. These types of opportunities are widespread, and you can find many ads for this type of work on free classified ad networks like Craigslist.
Blogging - Website and Blog owners will pay you to make Blog posts on other Blog sites. Why? Because they want to get more links back to their own Blog or website, which will create greater exposure for their company. It is a relatively cheap form of advertising for the website owner. You are usually paid per comment and even when you're just starting out, it's possible to earn at least $10 an hour, which will increase after you become more established
Affiliate Marketing - The advantage with this method over all those previously described, is that you are the boss, there's no middleman, such as an agency, for example. Let's face it nobody ever got rich working for someone else. Affiliate marketing allows the home-based business owner to compete on a global level with the major players in any niche. You don't even need your own product.

To get started with this extremely lucrative method, all you need is a simple one page website called a squeeze page, and to follow a proven step-by-step approach to marketing this page online. Click Here To Find Out.

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